Dear Soon-to-be-Published Kindle Author:
If you want to become a published book author today … and have thousands of admiring readers worldwide … the surest and quickest way is to publish a Kindle e-book and sell it on Amazon.
Kindle is where it’s at in book publishing! The mainstream book publishing industry is on life support. Meanwhile, e-book sales are projected to be nearly $20 billion in 2018. Don’t you want to grab your share of those profits?
Here are some other facts to convince you that publishing your book as a Kindle e-book is the way to go:
- Amazon will pay you a 70% commission for most of the e-books you sell through them on Kindle. That’s a big payout compared to the paltry 6% to 8% net royalty the big print book publishers pay their authors.
- More than 30 million U.S. adults who read e-books own an Amazon Kindle dedicated e-reader.
- Almost half of Amazon’s customers own a Kindle e-reader. Kindle owners spend $1,233 per year on Amazon on average compared to $790 per year for Amazon shoppers who do not own an e-reader or tablet.
- Over 400 million Kindle e-books are purchased on Amazon annually.
- There are more than 48 million different Kindle e-book titles available on Amazon, with millions of new Kindle e-books titles added every year – everything from children’s books and memoirs, history and humor, children’s books and graphic novels, science fiction and self-help – and many other topics.
So to answer your first question: Yes, thousands of people from all walks of life are becoming first-time authors thanks to Amazon’s easy and open-to-everyone Kindle e-book publishing system – even those who never wrote anything more than an e-mail or postcard before.
As to your second question – whether Kindle e-books sell and make their authors money, here are just a few success stories to show you the enormous sales potential awaiting your Kindle e-book ….
- Amanda Hocking could not get a publisher to publish her novel, so she self-published it as a Kindle e-book. Her out-of-pocket cost: $300. In 20 months, the book sold over 1.5 million copies, and Hocking earned $2.5 million.
- Fiction writer Cheryl Kay Tardif earned over a quarter of a million dollars from her kindle e-books.
- 37-year-old Florida author Hugh Howey says his series of “Wool” digital books earn him a six-figure income on Amazon. And that’s six figures a month – not a year!
- Oli Hille is the author of the #1 best-seller Creating the Perfect Lifestyle and many other books. Creating the Perfect Lifestyle was the 57th most popular book on Amazon out of over one million titles.
- Michael Rank has published numerous books of popular history including the Kindle #1 best-seller From Muhammed to Burj Khalifa: a Crash Course in 2,000 Years of Middle East History.
- After becoming disgusted with paltry advances from NYC publishers, Beverly Flaxington began self-publishing her books; titles include Understanding Other People: the 5 Secrets to Human Behavior and Self-Talk for a Calmer You.
- A prolific author, Steve Scott has written and published 15 Kindle e-books including How to Write Great Blog Posts That Engage Readers and Your First $1,000: How to Start an Online Business That Actually Makes Money.
YOU: a published Kindle e-book author!
Now, in our 170-page e-book, Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit, authors Andrew Linick, Kim Stacey, and I give you step-by-step instructions on how to write and design Kindle e-books, publish them on the Kindle system, and sell hundreds of thousands of copies on Amazon.
In its pages, you will discover:
- Why Kindle is the next big thing in book publishing … and how you can get started in Kindle e-book publishing today. Page2.
- What’s the best way to publish your e-book – Kindle or PDF? Page 5.
- 10 easy steps to writing and publishing a Kindle e-book and selling it on Amazon. Page 7.
- 6 common Kindle e-book publishing mistakes and how to avoid them. Page 10.
- How and why to outsource production of your Kindle e-book. Page 12.
- Publish and sell a Kindle e-book without writing a single word by repackaging “public domain” content. Page 14.
- How and why to create your own profit-oriented “author’s website.” Page 17.
- Starting your own publishing company – once difficult, now easy. Page 20.
- 10 immutable rules for being a successful e-book publisher. Ignore them at your peril. Page 21.
- 5 simple steps to understanding the target reader for your e-book. Page 26.
- What sells best on Kindle – fiction or nonfiction? Plus: 6 reasons to write and publish both kinds of e-books. Starts on page 27.
- How to research the top-selling Kindle e-books in your niche or topic. Page 31.
- 5 key questions to ask your potential book buyers before you produce a book for them. Page 34.
- 8 great tips for writing Kindle e-book fiction your readers will love. Page 35.
- A proven 11-step process for writing Kindle e-books. Page 40.
- 9 most important pages every Kindle e-book should have. Can you name them all? Page 46.
- How to find your personal writing style and voice. Page 49.
- 10 ways to avoid distractions when writing your e-book. Page 53.
- How to create a great table of contents to pre-sell your e-book. Page 55.
- Boilerplate wording for your copyright protection notice. Page 56.
- How to come up with a killer title for your Kindle e-book. Page 58.
- Setting up page format and style when writing a Kindle e-book. Page 68.
- How to reform your existing content into a Kindle e-book quickly and easily. Page 62.
- 6 steadfast guidelines for proper Kindle-book page format. Page 70.
- How to prepare and submit your e-book manuscript to Amazon. Page 71.
- 5 proven tips for designing an attractive Kindle e-book cover. Page 72.
- How to upload your e-book file to the Kindle system. Page 76.
- What you need to know about digital rights management. Page 77.
- How to price your Kindle e-book for maximum profits -- $2.99 a copy, $9.99, more, or free? Page 78.
- How to earn up to 70% royalty on every Kindle e-book you sell. Traditionally published books earn an average royalty of only 8% by comparison. Page 79.
- 10 tips for writing an Amazon Kindle e-book listing that sells more books. Page 81.
- How to get people and social media experts to review your Kindle e-book on Amazon. Page 86.
- Getting the most results from your Kindle Author Central page. Page 93.
- Profiting from Amazon’s KDP Select program. Page 94. Plus: Where to get free advertising for KDP Select promotions. Page 132.
- Using Google’s keyword research planner to discover the most lucrative topics for Kindle e-books. Page 116.
- How to check Amazon’s Best Sellers Ranking system to find out what sells best on Amazon. Page 124.
- 9 steps to starting a self-publishing company. Page 127.
- Guidelines for formatting acceptable files for the Kindle Direct Publishing system, which you must do to publish and sell a Kindle e-book on Amazon. Page 137.
- E-book designer expert Barb Willard’s Kindle e-book production and formatting recommendations. Page 142.
- Convert your Kindle e-book into a print on demand (POD) paperback your buyers can order on Amazon with CreateSpace. Page 155.
- Plus: Sample freelance writing contracts … model disclaimers and credits … valuable sources and profitable resources. Starts on page 112.
- And so much more….
"Well, here's my first official book after reading your Kindle book that I bought. I hired a company to convert it for me and paid $145 to get it converted into about 5 different formats. I have to go back and listen to your info product course again to see what else I can glean from it. Anyway, thanks so much for your great products and information they have been a massive help. Once again, thanks!"
--Mark Ellis
Would you pay us $39 to help you become a successful Kindle e-book author?
Between us, Andrew Linick (my co-editor and mail-order mentor) and I have over 100 published books, both paperbound and Kindle.
So what is it worth to you to get our help in becoming a published book author with your own Kindle e-books on Amazon?
Well, my advances for traditionally published books have been as high as $50,000 per book.
And I have made as much as $5,500 a day teaching writers how to get their books and e-books published in my life seminars.
But you won’t pay $50,000 … $5,500 … or even $550 to become a successful Kindle e-book author.
That’s because Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit is available to you now as a downloadable e-book for only $59.
But as part of this special introductory offer, order now and it’s yours for just $39. That’s less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time, and it’s a savings off the list price of $20.
But $39 is what you'll pay only if you agree that Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit is the most valuable book-publishing advice you get this year.
If not, then your price is zero. Zilch. Nothing. Nada. Thanks to….
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Your satisfaction with Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit is fully guaranteed.
That’s right.
If you are not 100% delighted for any reason – or for no reason at all – just let me know within 90 days for a full and prompt refund. No questions asked.
And you can still keep the e-book free, with our compliments. That way, you risk nothing.
One more point….
In the good old days, becoming a published book author was exceedingly difficult.
First you had to write a book proposal. Then you had to convince a literary agent to represent you. Then you had to wait month after month as your agent took your book proposal to the various publishers – usually without success.
Today, Kindle gives the average person the ability to publish their book, make it available for sale on Amazon, sell hundreds or thousands of copies, and in some cases make a significant income … without kowtowing to snobby literary agents and Manhattan publishers.
But you have to know how the system works … how to prepare your e-book … how to get it into the Kindle system … and how to publicize and promote your book for maximum sales and repeat profits.
I have sold well over a million books during my career as an author – many with traditional publishers, but now an increasing number on Kindle. And in Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit, I can show you how to do the same. If you will let us.
So what are you waiting for?
To order Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:
Bob Bly
P.S. Order Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit now and you get a FREE copy of my 50-page Special Report, How to Write a Book and Get It Published (list price: $29).
In it, you’ll discover:
- How to find a good idea for your book. Page 9.
- How to write a book proposal that sells your book to a major publisher for a 4 or 5-figure advance. Page 19.
- What Madison Avenue advertising can show you about selling your book to a NYC publishing house. Page 29.
- How to make $10,000 a month selling PDF e-books online without Amazon’s help. Page 42.
- What to do when your book goes out of print. Page 32.
- And more….
To order Write and Sell Kindle E-Books for Fun and Profit … and get your FREE Bonus Report ($29.00 Value) … just click below now: